Today I woke up to PAIN in my neck and shoulder. The sort of pain that causes red lightning bolts to flash inside your brain and wake you up with your own moaning. I managed to crawl to the medicine cupboard and down a couple of Ibuprofen. I seem to get this every few months, and it guarantees I'll be incapacitated for a couple of days at least. Well the good news is I am on my days off until Monday evening. So I should be halfway useful by then. On the other hand, I wasn't going to let this ruin my day off.

After a couple of hours the pain had hardly subsided at all, so I took a couple Ty*lenols. I was walking around holding my left arm as though it was in a sling, hunched forward like an old crone and flinching if I moved my head to the right. 

We had told David we would take him to the music shop for his 'high hats", in English, that's cymbals, nice big ones. Also Keith needed a high E string for his guitar. Keith also had to pick something up from the terminal in North Vancouver and we had planned to spend the rest of the day out there.

A couple hours after the Ty*lenols my pain was only getting worse! So before we left, I took a non-prescription muscle relaxer. They tend to make me drowsy, but I could sleep in the car for an hour. It took about half an hour, but finally, I started to feel some relief! As an added bonus, I didn't even feel tired. David got dropped off in Port Coquitlam and then we went for lunch.

Before long we were in North Van. The pain had died down to a dull ache now. We parked outside Lonsdale Quay and walked along the pier, where there is a huge development project underway, but that's a separate post. 

I bent down to get a good angle on a shot and when I went to stand up again... the world reeled! WHOA!!!! That happened a few times. Oh my God, I could have fallen and damaged my camera! I guess the pills finally were doing their thing. Well a little dizziness was better than feeling like the victim of a shaman with a huge pin and a voodoo doll in my likeness.

Anyways, here are some of my pictures taken during my psychedelic episode. I swear today I was seeing things so vividly!

Hope you enjoy them.
I haven't had any more pills for 12 hours, I'd better go take another before bed time and hope tomorrow finds the voodoo doll vanished into thin air! POOF!!!
First of all, the pictures you shoot during your Magical Mystery Tour are a very good illustration of what you have seen.
And this is what The Beatles said about such a tour.
Roll up - roll up for the Mystery Tour.
Roll up, roll up for the Mystery Tour.
(Roll up) and that’s an invitation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
(Roll up) to make a resvation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away.
Roll up, roll up for the Mystery Tour.
Roll up, roll up for the Mystery Tour.
(Roll up) for the Mystery Tour
(Roll up) satisfaction guaranteed
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away now
The Magical Mystery Tour
Roll up, roll up for the Mystery Tour.
(Roll up) and that’s an invitation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
(Roll up) to make a reservation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The Magical Mystery Tour is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away - take you today.
Sorry to see you having such a difficult time but it didn't affect your picture taking. Wonderful photos.
You always take such wonderful pictures and you make your trips to the big city so interesting.
Hope the pain subsides soon. All this damp weather probably doesn't help things either.
Take care.
Those pics are amazing. Very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.
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