Sunday, January 24, 2010

This is what it's all about!

This is what makes it all worth while. An opportunity for us to spend an evening as a family and with friends having a great time in good company.

Not the most enthusiastic Macarena Men you will have seen! A young man does have to maintain ones cool image you know. Click to watch this clip!
Tonight, my nieces, Lexie and Jocelyn were installed into their new positions in their girls group, Jobs Daughters.
The installation of officers is held twice a year. After installation, the real fun starts. It is always a family event. Its so nice to see all ages, from tiny tots to Great Grandparents all together having fun.
Part of the excitement is the dressing up and the dance. We got Lexie a new dress for Christmas. It is her first full formal gown. She really looked like a proper young lady tonight. Her brothers were both along for the fun as well.
Lexie is so tall now at about 5'5", so you can imagine how tall these brothers of hers are now! They grow almost as quickly as their HAIR!
Jocelyn was proudly wearing the poncho that her Grandma knit her for Christmas. Here, she shows off glow in the dark jewelery.
Lexie was very excited about dancing.
Slightly more enthusiastic than her brothers, on the floor she shows off some of her moves! She was a couple of feet above the ground here in a full out jump! Did I say something about a proper young lady? Once the music started, she left and this crazy dancin' chic showed up in her place!

Of in a quieter corner, more serious discussion ensues...."Anyone know how the Canucks did in tonights game?"

Actually, we wasted the Chicago Blackhawks...5-1. WoooHooo!


Penny said...

Lexie looks so beautiful in her formal gown. I love the picture of her jumping. So nice that the adults could enjoy the party along with the kids. At graduation, (the only formal parties my kids attended), the parents were shooed home after the dinner.

Chaos is my Life said...

Yes...Lexie looks awesome!!

The poncho....I had one EXACTLY like that one when I was a kid...loved it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, great picks, so nice to see that kind of Joy on Lexies face.

I also made a poncho for Lexie in blue and white, also a multicoloured one for Emma.

Still having a great time in Yuma, sunny weather but cool enough to enjoy long walks.

love mom and dad