Today, May 4th, marks the fifth anniversary of the passing of my cousin Edward, affectionatly known as Teddy Eddy. He was just shy of his twenty ninth birthday.
He had suffered from night seizures throughout his child hood but as he grew they became less frequent. In the end, it was a seizure that took him, unexpectedly, from this world.
Ed had only recently really settled into what promised to be a most enjoyable career. He had always been a nature lover and had done environmental studies at university. He had begun a career in field research. He had studied the turtles on the Galapogos, but enjoyed the beetle and doormouse studies just as well. The day he died, he was supposed to be heading for Spain to do a bat study. He had been very excited to be going and his pack was all ready by the door.
I hadn't seen Edward since 1979. We lived on different continents. But I had grown up hearing all the news of his family and seeing the regular deliveries of photos that came in the letters from his mother. So I really felt like I knew him well.
When I was told the sad news, I felt so awful for his mum, my Aunty Cristine and Uncle Jeff, who I knew quite well. Many years previous, they had lost a baby daughter at just 6 months old to Spinabifida. It is so cruel for a parent to out live their children and here they had lost two of four. I know today, Edward will be very much in their thoughts, as he is in mine.
I just got caught up, I'm sorry about your cousin, he was so very young.
That is exciting news about Kayla going to London, she must be thrilled.
Don't work too hard, get some rest!
As always it's a sad thing to lose anyone especially a relative. My heart goes out to you and your family and thank you for your kind words on my blog. I did finally write another one after that. Take care.
Loosing someone so young would be a real hardship. My Pat lost a daughter at about 2 years to an accident. Children should outlive their parents.
To lose a young cousin is very difficult. My heart goes out to you and your family.
My mom is always saying children should outlive their parents and she knows having lost a son. I was only 3 when it happened but I remember a little.
Hope you have a good week.
Beautiful shot. 1st time visiting your personal site. Very nice.
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