He hitched his tape measure onto his belt and pulled on his worn work boots. When he looked up from those fraying laces, there was an intent gleam in his eyes. He stood to his full height, shoulders back and pulled his trusty old ballcap onto his head. He was ready to work. The sight of him in his faded jeans, snug in the butt and thighs, makes my breath catch in my chest.
Watching him work that noisy jack. Seeing him maneuvering that vibrating tool so adeptly. His muscles wound tightly to keep the drill under control. He is so capable and handy. He seems to just know how to do just about anything. This confidence and capability are just some of the attributes that make him so attractive to me. What is it about a man doing rugged, manly things that make him irresistible to me.
Soon he was covered in concrete dust. Beads of sweat dampened his shirt. I offered him something to drink. But he didn't want to stop untill he was through with the task at hand.
As I watched the shaft of his long, hard drill bit pounding into the concrete, I grew more and more excited. I think he was probably aware that I was staring. Surely if he should glance up, he would see the barely contained lust in my eyes.
I am so glad that this handy man is all mine. You can fantasize all you want girls. But this one is mine, and he's a keeper. He is a real mans man. Yet these same strong, hardworking hands can be so gentle. Those muscled arms only ever wrap around one woman. I am so glad that woman is me.
Reading that was like reading a chapter out of a Harlequin Romance!! You lucky girl!!
We have SO got to talk about your writing skills, lady! I think you could write for financial gain...I'm so serious.
Could you please tell Carol I said thank you for the comments? I haven't been able to get into her blog to comment...It freezes the computer for some reason but maybe I can when I get my own at home next week.
Yes, there are some things that time and age don't change! I can hear your voice when you speak your words of lust and love!... This passage made me laugh... like many other times you have spoken about your cherished.... keep it up, as it keeps us young!
A good post. You two are lucky to have found each other. Cherish the relationship, I hope it continues for many years.
Glad your relationship is so strong. :) Monica mentioned that Carol's site locks her computer up, it used to do that to me. There's something on her site doing this. Not sure what...
Very good post. It's such a good feeling to feel so lustful towards someone! I love it!
Geez what a mushpot...great post. You're starting to sound like us.
That was hot! (said in my best Paris Hilton voice lol)
The only thing I find sexier than my husband fixing stuff, is him doing dishes. LOL!
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane
It's good to be lucky. It's better to know you're lucky. And it's best of all to appreciate when you're lucky. We'll think, 'yum'...you enjoy. :)
Is it hot in here.. or is it just me. :-)
Well *you've* made me smile! Thank you ;o)
WOW! It's getting hot in here. And I do mean HOT! Wow!
Wow! My breath is catching in my throat!
you are so lucky to have the relationship you have, I'm happy for you
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