My youngest nephew, Matty really loved Grandmas birthday cake, as pink and yellow are his favorite colours! He was good help to grandma in extinguishing the candles.
Here, all the grandchildren that were present, pose for a group shot. Three of them were not here so, its not a complete picture. Andrew in the center with the dog on his knee, is the oldest cousin, at 22 and Emma who is not in this shot, is four, and is the youngest of my parents nine grand kids. This was taken in our downstairs room. The pictures on the wall were painted by my grandfather. Two are copies of Casson watercolours. When he was learning the trade he would copy works he admired, untill he got the knack. The portrait, is of Andrew at about three years old.

We have had a few birthdays this month. A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated the birthdays of four men from Keiths side of the family. His dad, Harvey, in the center wearing a brown shirt is 77. Keiths brother in the red stripes is 39, and the two boys standing behind Dad, wearing gray, are our nephews Paul, 16 and Troy,17, who all have their special days within a few days of eachother.
My sister Carol, made both these cakes. The one for the men is a dartboard. I thought that was a great idea. With both Keith and I coming from families with four siblings, It sure makes for lots of family!
Apart from birthdays, we have been busy in our spare time, working on our yard, trying to get it nice for the summmer. We have added a large patio in the back, where it was always muddy. We have started sprucing up the front garden, and we are also putting in another shed, as I am tired of Keiths car parts and spare tires cluttering things up. Ill post some photos when we are done.
Have a great week. Thanks for stopping by.
Great celebrations! Those cakes look amazing. I love the paintings by your grandpa. I hope to take up painting when I retire - not that I have that kind of talent.
When are you going to Europe? and where?
Lots of good lookin' people ovair and man do them there cakes look might invitin'. So where's the grandmas and all those people...I didn't see no old people in those pitchers. I love birthdays, just wish I could remember when mine is.
Good times at Susan's house! I love the family thing:) I agree with Uncle Curtis...there are no old folks in those pics. You have good genes girl!
You've been doing lots of celebrating in your family. The cakes Carol made look great.
It was nice seeing you and Heidi today, and getting the chance to catch up. Take care and hope I see you again soon.
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