Keith was away again for most of last week, so when my computer started to misbehave, Daddy wasn't here to bring it in line. When the master's away..... you know how it goes. Well, at least the kids were good for me! But meanwhile, its been a long time since my last post.I was pretty busy this week, with work and other activities.
Last Saturday was the boys DeMolay group installation of officers with a dance to follow, which we of course help to set up and chaperon, so that's an all day activity.
Then Sunday morning we had to be up early to be in Vancouver for 9 am to wash the cancer cars. There are eight vehicles that the Freemasons bought and operate to shuttle Cancer patients to and from their treatments when they are too ill to get there themselves. It is a joint project with the Canadian Cancer Society. Volunteers give their spare time to help these people through some very difficult times.

Every week the cars get a thorough wash and wipe inside and out. This week happened to be the Maple Ridge Lodge's turn to do it and they invited our DeMolays to help out. With all these Volunteers, it only took a couple of hours. Three Masons, seven Demolay boys, their Past Sweetheart, their current sweetheart, a Jobie, namely my daughter Heidi, and five advisers, two of which are also Masons. That's 18 people out on a Sunday for this worthy cause!!! The kids had fun and felt like they were doing something really useful. It was a really cold day but the poring rain let up just long enough for the carwash.
The crazy kid fighting with a mop is my middle kid Dave. The one near him with the beard and "One hand in my pocket and the other one washing a cancer car" is my oldest son Andrew.

Monday and Tuesday, Keith and his dad tore down our back stairs as they were getting a bit rotten. We now have 13 beautiful new treated steps that I don't have to worry about the middle child falling through next time he thunders down them.
Wednesday, Keith went to Prince Rupert for a few days. While he was away, I was getting the pool started up. I removed the winter tarp after siphoning off all the winter sludge. Then begun the three day process of chemical clean up and vacuuming. In three days it went from greenish and stinky to sparkling blue and fresh. Ahh the wonders of chlorine!!! I still didn't get the patio power washed, but there's plenty of time for that. 

Keith returned on Saturday at 2.00 pm and at 4.00 my two local sisters, Carol and Sheila, and my cousin Heather and their families arrived to help christen the pool. In this photo, Carol, on the left, looked fabulous and tanned after just returning from a Caribbean Holiday. Sheila beside her. I cant believe this gal still doesnt even have one grey hair! My cousin Heather. and on the far right is yours truely.
Heather and her family are from Seattle and came up for the U.S. long weekend and spent the afternoon with us.

We had a wonderful barbeque with hamburgers, hot dogs, Mushroom patty burgers and salmon for the vegetarians. Carol brought her fabulous potato salad and Sheila brought strawberry shortcake for dessert. Yum!!! The kids stayed in the water for ages, but it was too cool for any of the adults to brave. What is it about kids? They just don't seem to feel the cold! We were more than happy to watch them play. We had bochee ball and ring toss out and we had a couple of sets of those Frisbee things with the Velcro in them to play catch with. They were a big hit. Keith and Jay had all the kids playing games. After a while though they sat down on the swing for a well earned rest. Suck it in guys!
Of course Keith is the sexy one on the right!!! Must be that Canucks hat!

Of course we got the obligatory photo of the group of kids. Mine were already gone by the time we thought to take this.

It was Saturday night and my kids went out to do their own thing at 7:00. I guess I should be honored that they stuck around for that long. But I wish I had gotten a shot with them all. Heather kept saying that she couldn't get over how grown up my kids were. Well, yep, 17 years does that to kids! At least I got this one of Heidi along with Heather and her son Hank. That's Sheilas boy Jayden hamming it up in front!

It was so nice to have Heather and Dan here with their little ones. It is the first time she has visited us up here since she was a kid and came with her family. Last spring I went down to visit her mum and had supper with Heather and family one night and we made a vow to see each other more often. Prior to that, I hadn't seen her for about 17 years! My boys were babies the last time I had seen her and Heidi wasn't even thought of yet. I think as we get older, family ties become much more meaningful to us. Well, to me they sure do. When they left that evening, we promised to pay them a visit over the summer.
Well I had better get this posted and get dressed. Keith's Dad will be here any time. Today they are tearing down our front fence and gate. Just the short sections on either side of the house. The rest of the fence was replaced years ago. So hopefully it won't be down long as it is a pain with the dog, and also with having the pool, we can't leave it unfenced. It has to be a one day job!
Ok this has gotten pretty long, lets hope it loads ok! Here goes. Have a good week folks!
What a great family day you had. Thanks for sharing it with us with your photos. Carol looks great! You're right about family being the most important thing....I know my family is to me!
The weather promises to be great for Keith and his dad to get all the jobs done.
Take care and have a great week.
I loved this blog! That is fantastic the kids washing the volunteer cars, what great spirit and heart from them, I reckon no1 son plays a mean air guitar either that or attack of the killer wash mops 2 son looks very pensive...gorgeous family get together Susan, that could well be Oz and someone's and fun is so universal!
I am glad you're back on line and that your computer is working again. First I thought she has packed and went back to England with the whole family bunch. You have told us a lot about your family and the photos are great. The car wash story gave me a good feeling, well done boys.
Welcome back :-) What gorgeous pictures. BTW, now that the nice weather is here, I'm coming out for a swim. Lucky you to have a swimming pool.
DeMolay is a great organization. I used to know a lot of fellow who were in it when I was a teenager. Good for them!
Glad you got your puter figured out. That's great that the kids are helping out and doing their part to make the world a better place. I'm sure you're proud as punch.
And don't worry, there will be plenty of days to come when the pool will give you relief from the heat (I've got everything I have two of crossed for the sun to come)LOL
Nice that you enjoyed your visit with your sisters and your cousin and all the rug rats. Family is everything.
Wow, lucky you having such a large loving family. Aren't we all lucky right now with the great weather, though? My late husband was a Demolay and his Dad a Mason. I used to hear great stories of their adventures (but never any of the things they hold sacred and secret). It's wonderful that your sons are involved and caring enough to go out and do volunteer work. Have a wonderful week sitting by your pool! (can you see the green-eyed monster here? lol)
Its sounds like you didn;t need a computer after all.
You got a great bunch there.
Family get togethers are always fun, purs start on the Canada Day long weekend.
Have a great weekend.
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